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Yes Means Yes: A Novel


Yes Means Yes: A Novel

New grad student Katie Russell hears a violent struggle in a student's apartment above her own. Upstairs, she discovers Ava's naked and unconscious body lying on her bed. After a young man threatens Katie and runs away, she takes Ava to a hospital for an invasive sexual assault exam. Ava's inexplicable refusal to file a complaint forces Katie to testify in a university hearing, one that results in meaningless sanctions against the perpetrator. Outraged, Katie teams with a stalwart retired police detective in a perilous attempt to seek justice, and takes a clandestine job within the police department. As she searches for another victim, one willing to testify in court, she confronts issues of Title IX, rape culture, criminal law, and a university administration that prefers sexual assaults remain secret. In the book's urgent climax, Katie is drawn into the case on a personal level, with more than justice on the line.


“As a feminist, Yes Means Yes is a thought-provoking read—watching a young woman's sense of self and agency unfold while grappling with one of the major social issues facing college life today.”

—Philanthropic community fund manager, Seattle, Washington

“A timely novel about campus sexual assault that maintains suspense, yet remains true to the law.”

—Chief Criminal Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, Washington State

Blog Posts Featuring Yes Means Yes

Blog posts will detail my motivation and subsequent research used to write the book Yes Means Yes. I will also explore recent issues and news about the issue of sexual assault on college campuses today.